Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Equal rights urged

Multiculturalism vital
The Daily Telegraph, on Feb 5, 2011, published an article about British Prime Minister David Cameron’s speech on national identity and religious tolerance in which he said there is ‘passive tolerance’ for divided communities.The British system believes in freedom of speech and religion, democracy and equal rights regardless of race or sex. Proclaiming a doctrine of ‘muscular liberation,’ Cameron said everyone, from ministers to ordinary voters, should actively confront those who hold extremist views, and warned that groups that fail to promote British values will no longer receive public money or be able to engage with the state.He made the speech at an international security conference in Munich, after Daily Telegraph disclosed the extent to which British intelligence community fears the ‘unique threat’ of terrorist attacks by radicalized British Muslims.Cameron’s talk was realistic and must be taken seriously by the British community without any blame game, as I must say there are legitimate channels for those who acquired British nationality to give their opinion. In fact, even the second or third generation immigrants have this right and are given full and equal rights in education, health and employment.In multicultural societies, immigrants should make positive, healthy and responsible contribution in the exchange of cultures, not by terror and without trying to undermine others. The system too should ensure that whites and all others are fairly treated.Moreover, in democratic systems in all parts of the world, the governments and parliaments do reflect the development of laws, public rights and liberties by maintaining the rights of people to vote and have representation in parliament which highly reflects the voice of people and the nation in general and helps in creation of a public culture and setting limits without the need of radical or extreme ways of expression.Email: labeed.abdal@gmail.com
By: Labeed Abdal


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